1.866.637.5474 403.264.9557




Magic - Amazing All-Purpose Cleaner Works on Almost Anything

Product ID: 0184 KPC

Description: USDA Approved
No Rinsing Needed
Just Spray & Wipe off: Lipstick, Oil, Grease Stains, Crayon, Finger Prints, Pencil, Marks, Mildew from hard surfaces, Nicotine Stains, Window Sills, Walls, Woodwork, Painted Surfaces, Kitchen Appliances, Furniture, Upholstery, Carpets & Rugs, Porcelain, Dishes & Pots, Bathroom Tile, White Sidewalls, Plastic, Floors, Auto Detailing, Counter Tops, etc…

Available In: 1 gallon jugs (3.7 L), 5 gallon pails (20 L), 55 gallon drums (208 L) and 275 gallon totes (1,045 L)

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